Leather Form Lab comes to life!

Leather Form Lab comes to life!

di Paolo Mattiozzi The time has come… All according to schedule. Leather Form Lab became reality on yesterday, April 1.An incubator of ideas is born, from the all-Italian concept of ‘artisan workshop’, from form to creativity in the field of leather...
New headquarters, here we are!

New headquarters, here we are!

di Ilenia Tonelli It took a while … To be honest we were quite quick and even if when we set a timetable we keep a little wide to deal with the inevitable hitches or some mishap, this time we finished the new project of our headquarters in advance. The ones you...
Training, our next goal.

Training, our next goal.

di It is not for Ye Usually the articles you get are because you looked for them. This is not the case This article is from the middle of last year, and appeared in ‘La Conceria’. Actually, I’m not reposting it because Kanye West (now called Ye, the story I think is...
Training to grow: there is no alternative.

Training to grow: there is no alternative.

di Ilenia Tonelli Vocation for training. Our vocation for Training is not an impromptu idea, it is a need. As much as technology has shortened many of the processes in our main workflows, the organization of a prototype or model has a totally creative, hence...