21 April 2022
di Ilenia Tonelli

It took a while …

To be honest we were quite quick and even if when we set a timetable we keep a little wide to deal with the inevitable hitches or some mishap, this time we finished the new project of our headquarters in advance.

The ones you see below are renderings, so we could have shown them to you several months ago, but now that we are seeing the final result, it makes a strange feeling to compare them to the interiors and exteriors while we are finishing them. Everything will be like these renders in June.

So many news, but one above all.

There are not a few: space optimization, a completely new showroom where you can observe all our production in detail, larger spaces for the Administrative and Commercial sector. However, I care about the sector on which we have always focused a lot, that is the Technical one which will be joined by the Training one. The two spaces will be practically only one in order to allow those who attend our courses to immediately try the theoretical content of courses.

I know, training is our fixed point: but it is because training allows us to improve the quality level of each production and, above all, not to have changes to the high professional standards that our Clients already know. More than a choice, it is a need.

We are waiting for you!


La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande al prossimo corso è prevista per il 19 giugno.

Qui tutte le info per pertecipare. Il corso è gratuito.

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