7 July 2022
di Paolo Mattiozzi


“New Site, New Challange”

We did choose 2022. In our vision, it is a year that means growth and new paths to take. In spite of a global economic recovery that the events of the beginning of the year have helped to…·

Our new website, www.studioimmaginelab.it, is the beginning of that action that will see succeeding, progressively, the expansion of our new headquarters, the implementation of our technical department, and above all, the creation of a large sector dedicated to the training of specific professionalism for our sector.

StudioImmagineLab is an essential, clean site that shows without too many frills what is the focal point of our activity extending the technical limits of each product, of each material until they are exceeded, so as to unite your creative force with that ‘saper fare’ that is the characteristic of all high-level Italian craftsmanship. The addition of the word ‘LAB’ in the site domain stands precisely to describe this our close relationship with experimentation.

Part of the site will be devoted to information: on our blog you will find the most important news related to our business and … maybe some pictures of accessories you have already seen at a Hollywood vernissage or in some store on Fifth Avenue.

Nice browsing!

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Tel. +39 0734 253272
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